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A Hunter’s Passion and Respect for the Outdoors

Andrew Thomas of the Epoch Times did a great article write up on Chad Belding, hunting and conservation. Read the whole article here.

Ever since he can remember, Chad Belding has possessed a profound passion and respect for the outdoors. His father Orville taught him and his two brothers the importance of conservation and living off the land.

Belding and his two brothers grew up in Reno, Nevada, and their father encouraged them to develop an appreciation for the outdoors, and much of their childhood consisted of camping, hunting, and fishing. They learned how to process fish and game, and how to cook them for their family and friends. They also cut down their own Christmas trees.

“He always taught us to respect the resources,” Belding said. “Whether it was a squirrel or a coyote, or a big game animal like a mule deer or a rocky mountain elk or a duck or a goose, they all deserve respect. They’re all part of our ecosystem, so we were always taught to never disrespect that resource.”

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