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Joe Balog reviews The Fowl Life

By August 11, 2014The Fowl Life

We’re excited to have a write up in The Duck Blog with Joe Balog. Joe gives an honest assessment of of first two episodes of the show. View his full write up.

To sum it all up, The Fowl Life makes me smile, and that’s no easy feat in today’s outdoor programming. Between relentless sponsor plugs, swayed political bashing, or the overall push to make hunting seem incredibly dramatic or dangerous, I’ve usually had enough mid-way through a half-hour show. But, with the Fowl Life, I simply came away with a feeling that what I had viewed was totally different; almost revolutionary. It was humility, family, respect and brotherhood. For me, it was just like duck hunting.

Joe Balog

The Fowl Life seems like a real-life, down-to-earth portrayal of what the majority of us get out of duck hunting. It’s the cool music we throw on in the truck to get pumped up at 4 a.m. It’s dabbing on a little facepaint, spending time with buddies, and hoping that, just once, things all go right. It’s hard work with the potential for an incredible reward. It’s family tradition and the introduction of new hunters to the lineage. It’s truly like no other sport, pursuit or obsession.

Joe Balog

Joe Balog was born and raised on the Great Lakes, where he’s earned a living as a charter boat captain, pro bass fisherman and outdoor communicator. As waterfowl editor for, Balog was bitten by the duck bug while hunting the world famous St. Clair Flats. Between duck hunting, fishing, and dog training, Balog spends some 300 days a year on the water.

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