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One of the major themes of The Fowl Life TV show is to highlight the importances of conservation and the organizations that fight to protect wildlife habitat and hunter rights. Below are conservation organizations we have partnered with. Please take a moment to visit each one to learn more of what they do and to see how you can get involved.

Safari Club International

Safari Club International (SCI) is a not-for-profit organization of hunters whose primary missions are to protect the freedom to hunt and to promote wildlife conservation.

People hunt for many reasons. For most hunters, it is a tradition handed down through their families. For all hunters, it is an unparalleled way of participating in the real nature of life in the world, being self-sufficient and providing natural food for their families, friends and communities. All hunters are keenly aware of the natural world and the requirements of land and water that make it vibrant and that support a wide variety of wildlife. The hunter-members of SCI support legal and ethical hunting based on the concepts of science based sustainable use.


California Waterfowl Association

California Waterfowl was founded in 1945 as the Duck Hunters Association of California with the sole purpose of influencing hunting regulations and other government activities that affected waterfowl in California.

By the early 1980s, the challenges facing waterfowl and hunting had greatly expanded. In 1985, the CWA initiated waterfowl studies in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Game (now Fish and Wildlife) to determine factors that limited waterfowl populations in California and the Pacific Flyway.


Nevada Bighorns Unlimited NBU

Nevada Big Horns Unlimited mission is to protect and enhance Nevada’s wildlife resources for sportsmen, outdoor and wildlife enthusiasts, and future generations.  NBU volunteers do this through the reintroduction of big game, habitat conservation and improvement, public education and participation, biological and scientific research, and the influence of public policy.


Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited is the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation.

DU got its start in 1937 during the Dust Bowl when North America’s drought-plagued waterfowl populations had plunged to unprecedented lows. Determined not to sit idly by as the continent’s waterfowl dwindled beyond recovery, a small group of sportsmen joined together to form an organization that became known as Ducks Unlimited. Its mission: habitat conservation


Delta Waterfowl

Delta Waterfowl is The Duck Hunters Organization, a leading conservation group founded at the famed Delta Marsh in Manitoba, with its U.S. Headquarters in Bismarck, North Dakota. We work to produce ducks through intensive management programs and conservation of breeding duck habitat. Delta conducts vital waterfowl research, and promotes and protects the continuing tradition of waterfowl hunting in North America.
